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Jasper is a non-profit organisation who aims to provide for 90 underprivileged children in 3 low decile schools in Christchurch. We are currently engaged with Bromley, Burnside and Hornby Primary Schools.


Jasper is a Young Enterprise Company and is made up of our four directors. Kate Bayliss - CEO, Hayley Cox - Finance, Megan Eggleston - Communications and Logan Rupapere - Marketing. The role of operations is shared between all directors. 

To get in contact with the team here at The Jasper Project click here to go to our contact page or click here to send us an email.

Our aim is to show the impact that child poverty has on the children today and how the community can come together to address the real and ongoing issue of child poverty. It is known that many young children in New Zealand go to school hungry, without lunch, without substantial warm or waterproof clothing, or shoes that havent fallen apart.

Jaspers goal is to improve the lives of these children by providing them with care packages, these are called 'The Jasper Bag.' These bags contain items such as; sneakers, jerseys, thermals, towels, togs excercise books and toys. Many may take these for granted but for these children it may be the difference that will improve their lives. Every bag will be created specific to each child and the schools needs.

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